Simple DataTables flask Simple DataTables flask flask flask

Simple DataTables flask

I think there are two things you need to do:

  1. Datatables expects the data to be an array of objects. You can read more about the expected data structures here. Your meas needs to be a Python list, for example:

    meas = [{"MeanCurrent": 0.05933, "Temperature": 15.095, "YawAngle": 0.0, "MeanVoltage": 0.67367, "VoltageDC": 3.18309, "PowerSec": 0.06923, "FurlingAngle": -0.2266828184, "WindSpeed": 1.884, "VapourPressure": 1649.25948, "Humidity": 0.4266, "WindSector": 0, "AirDensity": 1.23051, "BarPressure": 1020.259, "time": "2015-04-22 20:58:28", "RPM": 0.0, "ID": 1357}]

  2. Datatables, by default, expects the data to be in a data object. You have two options:

Option 1: Return the data in a data object like this:

return jsonify({'data': meas})

Option 2: Use the ajax.dataSrc option to tell Datatables where to find the data, for example:

$('#myTable').DataTable( {    "processing": true,    "ajax": {url: "/page_test",              dataSrc: ""            },    // add column definitions to map your json to the table    ..... has a demo.Datatables example

It uses as a library which is built on top of

As a committer of the library i suggest to look at the example which might make your life simpler (at least in the long run after getting aquainted with the base libraries).


has the template in which the datatable activation is added:

{% block scripts %}    {{ super() }}    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src=""></script>    <script type="text/javascript">    $(document).ready(function() {        $('.table').DataTable();    });    </script>{% endblock %}

The python code is shortened to:

 def datatable(self):        '''        test data table        '''        icons=BootstrapIcon.query.all()        dictList=[]        for icon in icons:            dictList.append(icon.asDict())        return render_template('datatable.html',listOfDicts=dictList)

You example would need:

    meas = [{"MeanCurrent": 0.05933, "Temperature": 15.095, "YawAngle": 0.0, "MeanVoltage": 0.67367, "VoltageDC": 3.18309, "PowerSec": 0.06923, "FurlingAngle": -0.2266828184, "WindSpeed": 1.884, "VapourPressure": 1649.25948, "Humidity": 0.4266, "WindSector": 0, "AirDensity": 1.23051, "BarPressure": 1020.259, "time": "2015-04-22 20:58:28", "RPM": 0.0, "ID": 1357}   ]

Just add more records with the same dict keys and you'd have a real a listOfDicts and you'd be set.