Simple flask application that reads its content from a .html file. External style sheet being blocked? Simple flask application that reads its content from a .html file. External style sheet being blocked? flask flask

Simple flask application that reads its content from a .html file. External style sheet being blocked?

Your code is not serving files using Flask, it is simply reading a file and sending it to the browser - which is why URLs are not working.

You need to render the file from within the method.

First make a templates folder in the same directory as your .py file and move your html file into this folder. Create another folder called static and put your stylesheet in that folder.

You should have

/  webcode.html/static  webcodestyle.css

Then, adjust your code thusly:

from flask import Flask, render_templateapp = Flask('flaskwp1')# webcode = open('webcode.html').read() - not needed@app.route('/')def webprint():    return render_template('webcode.html') if __name__ == '__main__': = '', port = 3000)

Edit webcode.html:

<link rel="stylesheet"      type="text/css"      href="/static/webcodestyle.css"/>

You need to create a specific static url and directory.

url_for('static', filename='style.css')

Will enable your app to look for a file called 'style.css' inside a folder called 'static' at the root of your web app module. It will be available to your web app at the url '/static/style.css'

You might want to post the contents of the html file and the python code itself so that we can see what might be going wrong. Sounds like either the url is incorrect or you don't have your web server set up to serve static files from that location.