Span element not replacing ' with apostrophe Span element not replacing ' with apostrophe flask flask

Span element not replacing ' with apostrophe

Jinja2 will always HTML escape anything you insert into a document. This includes escaping quote characters, as these could be used to 'break out' of HTML attributes, opening your site to a cross-scripting attack.

You'd have to mark the data as 'safe' explicitly:

code = `{% for line in file_content%}{{ line|safe }}\n{% endfor %}`

Personally, I'd interpolate the data as JSON instead:

code = {{ file_content|join('\n')|tojson }};

JSON is (almost entirely) a subset of Javascript; the way the Jinja2 tojson filter encodes Python data to JSON is guaranteed to be Javascript compatible.

If you are using a version of Jinja2 older than 2.10 (the minimal version for Flask 1.0), you still have to mark the result as safe, but that's fine here since you are not producing data that is interpolated into an HTML element or attribute.