TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable g.user.is_authenticated() [duplicate] TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable g.user.is_authenticated() [duplicate] flask flask

TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable g.user.is_authenticated() [duplicate]

Try replace if g.user.is_authenticated(): to if g.user.is_authenticated: like this:

@app.before_requestdef before_request():    g.user = current_user    if g.user.is_authenticated:       g.search_form = None

From the document:


Returns True if the user is authenticated, i.e. they have provided valid credentials. (Only authenticated users will fulfill the criteria of login_required.)

As the document said, is_authenticated is a boolean(True or False).

And however, it was a function in the past, but it has been changed to boolean at version 3.0:

The is_authenticated, is_active, and is_anonymous
members of the user class are now properties, not methods. Applications should update their user classes accordingly.

This is because is_authenticated is not a function but a mere boolean. Try the following instead:

@app.before_requestdef before_request():    g.user = current_user    if g.user.is_authenticated:       g.search_form = None