Unable to Download file using flask with actual name Unable to Download file using flask with actual name flask flask

Unable to Download file using flask with actual name

The "options" of send_from_directory are the same as sendfile:

flask.send_file(filename_or_fp, mimetype=None, as_attachment=False,                attachment_filename=None, add_etags=True,                cache_timeout=None, conditional=False,                last_modified=None)

So you should call it with:

@app.route('/Download')def Down():    rpm = request.args.get('rpm')    root = '/home/rpmbuild/RPMS/'    return send_from_directory(root,rpm,attachment_filename='foo.ext')

Where you of course substitute 'foo.ext' by the name you want to give the file. You probably also want to set the as_attachment parameter to True.

In case you want the same name, you can use os.path.basename(..) for that:

import os@app.route('/Download')def Down():    rpm = request.args.get('rpm')    root = '/home/rpmbuild/RPMS/'    return send_from_directory(root,rpm,as_attachment=True,                               attachment_filename=os.path.basename(rpm))