Unable to install Flask-Mail Unable to install Flask-Mail flask flask

Unable to install Flask-Mail

The easiest way to avoid these kind of problems is to create a virtual environment

>>>pip install virtualenv>>>cd my_project_folder>>>virtualenv venv

now activate your virtual environment

>>>source venv/bin/activate

now install there pip install Flask-Mail
hopefully now it should work there

if your done working then deactivate it



It seems like all the problem is because of certifi version conflict

so try downloading the source from herehttps://pypi.python.org/pypi/certifi

and install from source

Extract it go into the folder and run this command

sudo python setup.py  install

and it should work


If you do not have virtual env set up I would suggest do so first. If you have that already you may need to activate that from your terminal:

>>>source venv/bin/activate

Once completed just deactivate it for your rest of the commands:
