Using additional command line arguments with gunicorn Using additional command line arguments with gunicorn flask flask

Using additional command line arguments with gunicorn

You can't pass command line arguments directly but you can choose application configurations easily enough.

$ gunicorn 'mypackage:build_app(foo="bar")'

Will call the function "build_app" passing the foo="bar" kwarg as expected. This function should then return the WSGI callable that'll be used.

I usually put it in __init.py__ after main() and then I can run with or without gunicorn (assuming your main() supports other functions too).

# Normal entry pointdef main():  ...# Gunicorn entry point generatordef app(*args, **kwargs):    # Gunicorn CLI args are useless.    #    #    # Start the application in modified environment.    #    #    import sys    sys.argv = ['--gunicorn']    for k in kwargs:        sys.argv.append("--" + k)        sys.argv.append(kwargs[k])    return main()

That way you can run simply with e.g.

gunicorn 'app(foo=bar)' ...

and your main() can use standard code that expects the arguments in sys.argv.