Why does the login method of Flask use 'GET'? Why does the login method of Flask use 'GET'? flask flask

Why does the login method of Flask use 'GET'?

GET and POST methods are both handled by your function.

  • When GET is used, the login form (login.html) is returned for the user to log in. This is the last line of the function.

  • When POST is used, the form is validated using provided login/password. After that the user is either redirected to an other page (url for show_entries) or the login form is sent another time with the related error.

You should read 'When do you use POST and when do you use GET?' for more details on why POST is used to process the login form and why GET is used to send it.

return render_template('login.html', error=error) is the handler for GET.

Think about the logic:

  1. if request.method == 'POST':
    1. Check Credentials, Set error method
    2. If no credential errors return the correct redirect
  2. if there were errors in the POST section of code render_template gets those errors, otherwise it gets the None from the beginning of the method. I assume that if error is None in render_template it probably just renders a plain ol' login form.

Note: I've never used flask, but I understand python