Why is my Flask error handler not being called? Why is my Flask error handler not being called? flask flask

Why is my Flask error handler not being called?

Referring to both this question, and the docs, the key piece of information I took from both is if your route is a Flask-RESTful one, which yours is, it will be handled by handle_error(), and the only way to prevent or customise this is to implement your own API class, and override handle_error().

Following up on @dylanj.nz's answer, this vanilla-Flask error handling method, and this example of overriding Flask-RESTful's API , here's the method I settled on. It allows Flask-RESTful to handle HTTPException types of exceptions, but passes everything else through to the default (Flask) handler, where custom error messages can be specified (an entire JSON object of key/value entries, if you want) at the time of the exception.

from flask_restful import Resource, Api as _Api, HTTPExceptionapp = Flask(__name__)# This new Exception will accept a message, a status code, and a# payload of other values to be displayed as a JSON objectclass FlaskGenericException(Exception):    status_code = 500   # default unless overridden    def __init__(self, message, status_code=None, payload=None):        Exception.__init__(self)        self.message = message        if status_code is not None:            self.status_code = status_code        self.payload = payload    def to_dict(self):        rv = dict(self.payload or ())        rv['message'] = self.message        return rv@app.errorhandler(FlaskGenericException)def handle_flask_generic_error(error):    response = jsonify(error.to_dict())    response.status_code = error.status_code    return response# This overridden Flask-RESTful API class will keep Flask-RESTful# from handling errors other than HTTPException ones.class Api(_Api):    def error_router(self, original_handler, e):        # Override original error_router to only handle HTTPExceptions.        if self._has_fr_route() and isinstance(e, HTTPException):            try:                # Use Flask-RESTful's error handling method                return self.handle_error(e)             except Exception:                # Fall through to original handler (i.e. Flask)                pass        return original_handler(e)api = Api(app)class TestMe(Resource):    def get(self):        try:            ldapc = ldap.connection        except:            # message = first parameter.  Other parameters come in as "payload"            raise FlaskGenericException('A generic error', status_code=505, payload={'user': 'John Doe', 'company': 'Foobar Corp.'})api.add_resource(TestMe, '/testme', endpoint='TestMe')