WTForms: Disable client-side validation on cancel WTForms: Disable client-side validation on cancel flask flask

WTForms: Disable client-side validation on cancel

Since you use Flask-Bootstrap's quick_form() macro, you can just set novalidate parameter to True to disable client-side validation (it will set a novalidate attribute to your HTML <form> element):

{{ wtf.quick_form(form, novalidate=True) }}

If you are using Bootstrap-Flask, the method is similar:

{{ render_form(form, novalidate=True) }}

The Required validator as well as the DataRequired and InputRequired which replace Required since version 3 of WTForms set the replace flag of the field. This flag is used to add the required attribute to the HTML representation of the field. My workaround is to manually create a validate function.

from wtforms.validators import ValidationErrordef _required(form, field):    if not field.raw_data or not field.raw_data[0]:        raise ValidationError('Field is required')class SequenceForm(FlaskForm):    name = StringField('Name:', validators=[_required, Length(1, 128)])    # some other fields here    submit = SubmitField('submit')    cancel = SubmitField('cancel')

This way there is no validation on the client-side and it is ensured that the view function is called on every submit or cancel.


An even simpler solution is to subclass the InputRequired validator and overwrite the field_flags dictionary.

from wtforms.validators import InputRequiredclass MyInputRequired(InputRequired):    field_flags = ()class SequenceForm(FlaskForm):    name = StringField('Name:', validators=[MyInputRequired(), Length(1, 128)])

You could forbid rendering of the required attr.

class MyTextInput(wtforms.widgets.TextInput):    def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):        kwargs['required'] = False        return super().__call__(field, **kwargs)

For Python2 add args like this:super(MyTextInput, self)

and then:

name = StringField('Name:', validators=[Required(), Length(1, 128)], widget=MyTextInput())