Wtforms escaping value argument containing backbone js template while rendering field Wtforms escaping value argument containing backbone js template while rendering field flask flask

Wtforms escaping value argument containing backbone js template while rendering field

I looked at WTForms' source code, and yeah, it escapes HTML characters as part of rendering, which you're doing by calling the field. So the jinja "safe" parameter is acting too late.

You can get around this by creating a custom widget to render your field:

I took a crack at writing a widget for you - I apologize that I haven't run this code, but it should be enough to get you going in the right direction.

If you run into trouble, be sure to check out WTForms' source code: it's well-commented, there's not a lot of it, and you can crib from there. (I did!)

from wtforms.widgets.core import HTMLString # Custom widget display def input_field_with_unescaped_value(field, **kwargs):  value = kwargs.pop('value', field._value())  unescaped_output = u' value="%s"' % value if value else ''  return HTMLString(u'<input %s%s>%s</input>' % \      (html_params(, **kwargs), \      unescaped_output, \      unicode(field._value()))# and here's how you use it in a formclass MyForm(Form):  field1 = TextField(u'Thingy', widget=input_field_with_unescaped_value)