Bottom overloaded by 213 pixels in flutter Bottom overloaded by 213 pixels in flutter flutter flutter

Bottom overloaded by 213 pixels in flutter

I would suggest replacing the top Column widget with a ListView, that automatically resizes on keyboard input, whilst also supporting scrolling.

If you really want this setup as it is, you can edit your Scaffold with the parameter

resizeToAvoidBottomPadding: false 

That should make the error disappear

Scaffold(  resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, // set it to false  ... )

As Andrey said, you may have issues with scrolling, so you may try

Scaffold(  resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, // set it to false  body: SingleChildScrollView(child: YourBody()),)

you usually need to provide a scroll widget on top of your widgets because if you try to open the keyboard or change the orientation of your phone, flutter needs to know how to handle the distribution of the widgets on the screen.

Please review this resource, you can check the different options that flutter provide Out of the box, and choose the best option for your scenario.