Create a Flutter project with Swift Create a Flutter project with Swift flutter flutter

Create a Flutter project with Swift

I think a better way is to create Flutter project by command line:

// Update 2021

In the terminal in a desired directory run command

flutter create --org com.yourdomain your_app_name

Swift, Kotlin, and Androidx dependencies are the default options

After you can develop it in IDE that suits for you

Full command for production can look like

flutter create --org com.yourcompany --description 'Your App Description' your_app_name


--org com.yourcompany

will form applicationId for Android:





--description 'Your App Description' 

sets package description in our pubspec.yaml

Flutter uses Dart language.

Android - Java/Kotlin , iOS - Objc/Swift could be used to write plugins and platform dependent code. More details

When Flutter creates new project, it generates 2 native projects (iOS and Android), that would be able to run compiled Flutter project. Languages are selected via menu you posted. Check ios and android folders in created project.

Creating project in:

iOS: Swift, Android: Kotlin

flutter create -i swift -a kotlin package_name

iOS: Swift, Android: Java

flutter create -i swift -a java package_name

iOS: Objective-C, Android: Kotlin

flutter create -i objc -a kotlin package_name

iOS: Objective-C, Android: Java

flutter create -i objc -a java package_name


Using above commands, you'll see the company name created is example, so to add your company name, simply add --org right after flutter create like:

flutter create --org -i swift -a kotlin package_name