CustomscrollView scrolled to position top automatically, when i tap a textfield in sliver app bar CustomscrollView scrolled to position top automatically, when i tap a textfield in sliver app bar flutter flutter

CustomscrollView scrolled to position top automatically, when i tap a textfield in sliver app bar

First add a ScrollController to your customScrollView. Then animate to the offset position you would like eg.

class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ScrollController scrollController;   @overridevoid initState() {super.initState();scrollController = new ScrollController();} @overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return CustomScrollView( controller = scrollController,  slivers: <Widget>[  .... your wiidgets... ],);/* this method should be called on search bar textField tapped or when on whatever  event */void toTop(){ scrollController.animateTo(0,      duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500), curve: Curves.easeInOut);}

Hope this helps anyone else......