Device list doesn't shows in Android Studio using Flutter Device list doesn't shows in Android Studio using Flutter flutter flutter

Device list doesn't shows in Android Studio using Flutter

configure flutter in terminal to detect Android SDK and Android Studio:

$ flutter config --android-sdk /path/to/android/sdk$ flutter config --android-studio-dir /path/to/android/studio

then restart Android Studio/Intellij. source:

If you configure flutter and android sdk both perfectly and you do not show the avd device list in android studio.

It's very simple way to show android emulator device list.

First create a new Android Emulator if already create you run the AVD manager then you can show the instead of emulator name



May be there is no AVD's to list down. And if emulator runnig, intelliJ will grab it.

In Android Studio, you can create a AVD using AVD Manager or using Terminal. Here is how you can do that using Terminal,

First, go to the android sdk installed directory -> tools

and copy the path and in the terminal type cd and paste the path and press enter. Now yo are in the tools directory.

Next, using terminal type:

emulator -list-avds - to list created AVD's(You should be in tools directory to run this command).

If there is a device type emulator -avd <name>. else you can create a one:

type cd bin then,


avdmanager create avd -n name -k "sdk_id" [-c {path|size}] [-f] [-p path]

As a example:

avdmanager create avd -n Nexus -d 23 -k system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86

Then again go back to tools directory by typing cd .. and type emulator -list-avds. This command will list your created AVD.

To run a AVD type:

emulator -avd <name>

About AVD.