Does Dart have import alias? Does Dart have import alias? flutter flutter

Does Dart have import alias?

Dart doesn't allow you to rename imported identifiers, but it allows you to specify an import prefix

import '../../constants.dart' as foo; foo = foo.ImportedClass();

It allows also to filter imported identifiers like

import '../../constants.dart' show foo hide bar;

See also

Barrel files can also make importing easier like


export 'widget1.dart';export 'widget2.dart';export 'widget3.dart';export 'widget4.dart';


import '../widgets/widgets.dart';Widget build(BuildContext context) => Widget1();

No. Dart do not have import alias.

But you have absolute imports which makes up for it:

import 'package:my_lib/shared/constants.dart

This will import the file /lib/shared/constants.dart