Flutter AndroidManifest Error Flutter AndroidManifest Error flutter flutter

Flutter AndroidManifest Error

I have the same problem too.I resolved the problem by applying the suggestion in error message.Adding tools:replace="android:label"in (\android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml) add tools:replace="android:label" like this:

<application    tools:replace="android:label"    android:name="io.flutter.app.FlutterApplication"    android:label="flutterwp"     android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher">

and don't forget add tools like this:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"package="com.example.wp"xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools">

I had this issue too but I solved by this.Go to project directory/build, then you will see google_sign_in, image_picker, firebase folder, or any installed dependencies. Delete them. Go back to the pubspec file, do the Packages get and Packages upgrade again.

The issue may be the image_picker folder, which deleting image_picker is good enough. If this is really the solved your issue, check out the manifest-merger-debug-report.txt, you will see the reason why. Hope your issue is solved.

I had this issue when I was trying to add AWS Datastore to my Flutter project that already had Google MLKit for local OCR. Either Datastore or MLKit would work, but not both together.

What worked for me:

Adding the following to the app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml


with the following declaration in AndroidManifest -

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"package="com.example.ABC"xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools">