flutter automatic testing : Tap on a button don't work in drawer flutter automatic testing : Tap on a button don't work in drawer flutter flutter

flutter automatic testing : Tap on a button don't work in drawer

finally found a workaround : just need to add some delay before tapping in the drawer.

So I added

await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));

before tapping on buttons

I also ran into a similar issue.

The tester was able to find the FlatButton in the drawer:

expect(find.byType(FlatButton), findsOneWidget);

tester.tap did not appear to be working:

await tester.tap(find.byType(FlatButton));

But the solution mentioned in this Flutter issue did work:

FlatButton button = find.widgetWithText(FlatButton, 'TextExample').evaluate().first.widget;button.onPressed();

I haven't played with WidgetTest yet, but I was able to achieve tapping on a button inside drawer, with flutter driver.

  test('test button tap in drawer', () async {    final SerializableFinder drawerOpenButton = find.byTooltip('Open navigation menu');    final SerializableFinder btn = find.byValueKey('firstButton');    await driver.waitFor(drawerOpenButton);    await driver.tap(drawerOpenButton);    await driver.waitFor(btn);    await driver.tap(btn);    print('tapped');    });

In main.dart, I used key property for the RaisedButton I want to tap on.