Flutter DropdownButton - populate items from rest webservice Flutter DropdownButton - populate items from rest webservice flutter flutter

Flutter DropdownButton - populate items from rest webservice

You should not use FutureBuilder for this situation. Rather fetch the data in initState() and then cause a rebuild using setState() to update the view.

If fetchCities() creates a new Future every time it is called, then build() will invoke that fetch every time the UI is rebuilt (which can be quite often)


The future must have been obtained earlier, e.g. during State.initState, ...

      child: FutureBuilder(            future: Webservice().load(Country.countries) ,            builder: (context, snapshot){              if(snapshot.hasError)                return Text(snapshot.error);              if (snapshot.hasData) {                return  DropdownButtonFormField(                  decoration: new InputDecoration(icon: Icon(Icons.language)), //, color: Colors.white10                  value: selectedCountry,                  items: snapshot.data.map<DropdownMenuItem<Country>>((Country country) {                       return  DropdownMenuItem<Country>(                                value: country,                                child: Text(country.name, style: TextStyle(color: Color.fromRGBO(58, 66, 46, .9))),                              );                  })                          .toList(),                  onChanged: (Country newValue) {                      setState(() => selectedCountry = newValue);                      // selectedCountry = newValue;                      print(newValue.id);                      print(newValue.name);                  },               );              }              return CircularProgressIndicator();

I had the same issue today, and after some digging, I found a mistake in my code: the value in the DropdownButton wasn't in the items list.

I assumed (wrongly) that the dropdown would handle the "empty" value - but that is not the case.