Flutter hot reload doesn't work on autosave in VSCode Flutter hot reload doesn't work on autosave in VSCode flutter flutter

Flutter hot reload doesn't work on autosave in VSCode

The latest version of Dart & Flutter's VS Code extension is causing the issue.

v3.20 and above: You can enable hot reload on autosave in the latest version by setting Flutter Hot Reload On Save to always in your VSCode settings.

v3.19: They disabled hot reload on autosave completely.

v3.18 and below: The extension hot reloads automatically when auto saving.

It's in the change notes for this release. It's an intended feature! (http://dartcode.org/releases/v3-19)

It says:

#3033: Hot-reload-on-save no longer fires for Save events triggered by VS Code’s auto-save feature. Pressing Save manually will still trigger a reload even if there are no unsaved changes.

Doesn't anybody read the release notes? :)

Just delete your VS cache folder and VS temp folder.-> Press windows button and type:%temp%%appdata%-> Check your launch.json in .vscode folder. delete and recreate if necessary.