Flutter: How do you make a card clickable? Flutter: How do you make a card clickable? flutter flutter

Flutter: How do you make a card clickable?

Flutter use composition over properties.Wrap the desired widget into a clickable one to achieve what you need.

Some clickable widgets : GestureDetector, InkWell, InkResponse.

GestureDetector(  onTap: () => ......,  child: Card(...),);

Flutter provides the InkWell Widget. by registering a callback you can decide what happens when user clicks on the card (called tap in flutter). InkWell also implements Material Design ripple effect

Card(  child: new InkWell(    onTap: () {      print("tapped");    },    child: Container(      width: 100.0,      height: 100.0,    ),  ),),

I think you can also use InkWell apart from GestureDetector just wrap the card inside InkWell() Widget

InkWell(  onTap: (){ print("Card Clicked"); }  child: new Card(),);