Flutter Inspector in Visual Studio code Flutter Inspector in Visual Studio code flutter flutter

Flutter Inspector in Visual Studio code

Starting with version 2.24.0 the DevTools option is the new feature for debugging and inspecting.

Open the command palette Ctrl+Shift+P and type:

>Dart: Open DevTools

To access it your debug session must be running:

enter image description here

as Danny Tuppeny (the creator of the dart plugin in VScode) montined :

the Flutter Inspector is not currently available in VS Code

you can follow this issue for more updates


in the new Dart Code plugin for VS Code there is something similar look here

To inspect a Widget in Flutter project:

1- Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P on macOS)).
2- Select the Flutter: Inspect Widget command and press Enter.
3- Tap on any widget in emulator.
4- See the widget tree.
5- Good luck.