Flutter not found when developing plugin for Android Flutter not found when developing plugin for Android flutter flutter

Flutter not found when developing plugin for Android

You should open the project in android studio from the example/android location.

It worked for me when I did the next steps (assuming that Dart and Flutter plugins are configured in the Android Studio Preferences properly):

  1. Close all the projects up until you see the "welcome to Android Studio" window with recent projects list and a set of options in the center
  2. Select "Open existing Android Studio project"
  3. Select the file plugin/example/android/build.gradle

You need to install the Flutter SDK https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/windows#get-the-flutter-sdk

Then in Android Studio, go to settings>plugins, and install the Flutter and Dart plugins.

Then check whether you have provided you SDK path at Settings> Language & Frameworks > Flutter