Flutter onTap method for Containers Flutter onTap method for Containers flutter flutter

Flutter onTap method for Containers

You can wrap your Container in an InkWell or GestureDetector. The difference is that InkWell is a material widget that shows a visual indication that the touch was received, whereas GestureDetector is a more general purpose widget that shows no visual indicator.

wrapping the container inside an Inkwell() Widget could solve the problem or even GestureDetector() as

  InkWell(                                child: Container(...),                                onTap: () {                                  print("tapped on container");        },                           );

Using the Gesture Detector

GestureDetector(  onTap: () { print("Container was tapped"); },  child: Container(...),)


enter image description here

You shouldn't use GestureDetector because it won't show you any ripple effect (which is core part of a Material design app), so you can use InkWell, here is the basic example.

Widget _buildContainer() {  return Material(    color: Colors.blue,    child: InkWell(      onTap: () => print("Container pressed"), // handle your onTap here      child: Container(height: 200, width: 200),    ),  );}