Flutter Reloading List with Streams & RxDart Flutter Reloading List with Streams & RxDart flutter flutter

Flutter Reloading List with Streams & RxDart

You are not supposed to change the instance of state.

You should instead submit a new value to the observable. So that StreamBuilder, which is listening to state will be notified of a new value.

Which means you can't just have an Observable instance internally, as Observable doesn't have any method for adding pushing new values. So you'll need a Subject.

Basically this changes your Bloc to the following :

class HomeBloc {  final Stream<HomeState> state;  final EventRepository repository;  final Subject<HomeState> _stateSubject;  factory HomeBloc(EventRepository respository) {    final subject = new BehaviorSubject(seedValue: new HomeState.initial());    return new HomeBloc._(        repository: respository,        stateSubject: subject,        state: subject.asBroadcastStream());  }  HomeBloc._({this.state, Subject<HomeState> stateSubject, this.repository})      : _stateSubject = stateSubject;  Future<void> loadEvents() async {    _stateSubject.add(new HomeState.loading());    try {      final list = await repository.getEventList(1);      _stateSubject.add(new HomeState(result: list, isLoading: false));    } catch (err) {      _stateSubject.addError(err);    }  }}

Also, notice how loadEvent use addError with the exception. Instead of pushing a HomeState with a hasError: true.