Hide FAB when onscreen keyboard appear Hide FAB when onscreen keyboard appear flutter flutter

Hide FAB when onscreen keyboard appear

You can achieve it by checking for keyboard visibility using viewInsets and hide fab based on it.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';void main() {  runApp(new MaterialApp(    title: "Example",    home: new FabHideOnKeyboard(),  ));}class FabHideOnKeyboard extends StatefulWidget {  @override  _FabHideOnKeyboardState createState() => new _FabHideOnKeyboardState();}class _FabHideOnKeyboardState extends State<FabHideOnKeyboard> {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    final bool showFab = MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom==0.0;    return Scaffold(      resizeToAvoidBottomPadding: true,      body:Container(        alignment: Alignment.center,        child: Column(          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,          children: <Widget>[            Text("TextField:"),            TextField()          ],        ),      ),      floatingActionButton: showFab?Icon(Icons.add):null,    );  }}

Hope that helped!

Wrap your FloatingActionButton with a Visibility widget and control the visibility with a bool value.

Widget build(context) {  bool keyboardIsOpen = MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom != 0;  return Scaffold(    body: // ...    floatingActionButton: Visibility(      visible: !keyboardIsOpen,      child: // your FloatingActionButton    ),  );}

This solution also gets rid of the animation when the button disappears and appears.

Be sure that the class extends StatefulWidget and you have created a state for it

For future reference, this is an implementation following the basic idea from https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/26100 but using already existing mixins to reduce quirks and code:

class FixedCenterDockedFabLocation extends StandardFabLocation    with FabCenterOffsetX, FabDockedOffsetY {  const FixedCenterDockedFabLocation();  @override  String toString() => 'FloatingActionButtonLocation.fixedCenterDocked';  @override  double getOffsetY(      ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry scaffoldGeometry, double adjustment) {    final double contentBottom = scaffoldGeometry.contentBottom;    final double bottomMinInset = scaffoldGeometry.minInsets.bottom;    if (bottomMinInset > 0) {      // Hide if there's a keyboard      return contentBottom;    }    return super.getOffsetY(scaffoldGeometry, adjustment);  }}

You can then use it as simple as floatingActionButtonLocation: const FixedCenterDockedFabLocation(), (don't forget the const ;)).

Feel free to use this code without limitations or attribution.