How do I add an Example Project to a Flutter Package? How do I add an Example Project to a Flutter Package? flutter flutter

How do I add an Example Project to a Flutter Package?

To create a Flutter package with an Example in Android Studio

  1. Create a new Flutter Projectenter image description here
  2. Select Flutter Packageenter image description here
  3. After the new project opens in Android Studio, select the "Terminal" tab and then run:

flutter create example

enter image description here

  1. Select "Edit Configuration"-> add configuration -> Select the main.dart file that is located in the example/lib folderenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

  2. Open your example pubspec.yaml and link to the library by adding:

    your_package_name:path: ..\enter image description here

NOTE: When you open the Example folder it will look like an entire Flutter app nested into your project; that's because it is. Just open the io and android folders to see that they share that pattern:enter image description here

Create a new project inside the root directory of your project called example and then remove unnecessary files such as CHANGELOG, LICENSE and README as they will be in your package folder.

Here's an example (no pun intended) with a package that I created:

enter image description hereenter image description here

Now in pubspec.yaml you should include your package as dev dependency like this:

dev_dependencies:  your_package:    path: ../

I believe you can also use regular dependencies, but this worked for me.

Now inside /lib you can add a main.dart file, import your package and then create an example project.

Go to your project root folder and run flutter create example.
Thats it.