How dynamically create and show a popup menu in flutter? How dynamically create and show a popup menu in flutter? flutter flutter

How dynamically create and show a popup menu in flutter?

Yes it is possible

    void _showPopupMenu() async {      await showMenu(        context: context,        position: RelativeRect.fromLTRB(100, 100, 100, 100),        items: [          PopupMenuItem(            value: 1            child: Text("View"),          ),          PopupMenuItem(             value: 2            child: Text("Edit"),          ),          PopupMenuItem(            value: 3            child: Text("Delete"),          ),        ],        elevation: 8.0,      ).then((value){// NOTE: even you didnt select item this method will be called with null of value so you should call your call back with checking if value is not null       if(value!=null)       print(value);       });    }

There will be times when you would want to display _showPopupMenu at the location where you pressed on the buttonUse GestureDetector for that

GestureDetector(  onTapDown: (TapDownDetails details) {    _showPopupMenu(details.globalPosition);  },  child: Container(child: Text("Press Me")),);

and then _showPopupMenu will be like

_showPopupMenu(Offset offset) async {    double left = offset.dx;    double top = offset.dy;    await showMenu(    context: context,    position: RelativeRect.fromLTRB(left, top, 0, 0),    items: [      ...,    elevation: 8.0,  );}

@Vishal Singh answer was really helpful. However, I had the problem that the menu was always on the right. Giving the right value a really high value fixed it,Example:

_showPopupMenu(Offset position) async {    await showMenu(        context: context,        position: RelativeRect.fromLTRB(position.dx, position.dy, 100000, 0),        ...

@Vishal Singh's answer needs two improvements:

  1. If you use 0 for right, then the menu is aligned to the right because

Horizontally, the menu is positioned so that it grows in the direction that has the most room. For example, if the position describes a rectangle on the left edge of the screen, then the left edge of the menu is aligned with the left edge of the position, and the menu grows to the right.

  1. If you use 0 for bottom, this works fine with a popup menu without initialValue but moves the menu far down if initialValue is set. This is because

If initialValue is specified then the first item with a matching value will be highlighted and the value of position gives the rectangle whose vertical center will be aligned with the vertical center of the highlighted item (when possible).

If initialValue is not specified then the top of the menu will be aligned with the top of the position rectangle.

So for a more universal solution calculate the right and the bottom correctly:

  final screenSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size;  showMenu(    context: context,    position: RelativeRect.fromLTRB(      offset.dx,      offset.dy,      screenSize.width - offset.dx,      screenSize.height - offset.dy,    ),    items: [      // ...    ],  );