How to build a dynamic list in Flutter? How to build a dynamic list in Flutter? flutter flutter

How to build a dynamic list in Flutter?

You can use the setState to rebuild the UI.


class TestList extends StatefulWidget {  final Future<List> quiz;  TestList({this.quiz});  @override  _TestListState createState() => new _TestListState();}class _TestListState extends State<TestList> {  bool loading = true;  _TestListState(){    widget.quiz.then((List value) {      // loop through the json object      for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {        // add the ListTile to an array        listArray.add(new ListTile(title: new Text(value[i].name));        }            //use setState to refresh UI            setState((){          loading = false;        });    });  }  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    List<Widget> listArray = [];    return new Container(        child: new ListView(            children: loading?[]:listArray     // when the state of loading changes from true to false, it'll force this widget to reload        ));  }}

You can use FutureBuilder to help with the widget states:

new FutureBuilder<List>(  future: widget.quiz,  builder:      (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List> snapshot) {    switch (snapshot.connectionState) {      case ConnectionState.none:        return new Text('Waiting to start');      case ConnectionState.waiting:        return new Text('Loading...');      default:        if (snapshot.hasError) {          return new Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');        } else {          return new ListView.builder(              itemBuilder: (context, index) =>                  new Text([index].name),              itemCount:;        }    }  },)

Basically, it notifies the method specified on builder depending on the future state. Once the future received a value and is not an error, you can use ListView.builder to make the list, this is a convenience method to create the list when all items are of the same type.

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