How to create text inside marker with google_maps_flutter? [closed] How to create text inside marker with google_maps_flutter? [closed] flutter flutter

How to create text inside marker with google_maps_flutter? [closed]

I managed to solve with this method

Future<BitmapDescriptor> createCustomMarkerBitmap(String title) async {        TextSpan span = new TextSpan(          style: new TextStyle(            color: Prefs.singleton().getTheme() == 'Dark'                ? Colors.white                :,            fontSize: 35.0,            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,          ),          text: title,        );            TextPainter tp = new TextPainter(          text: span,          textAlign:,          textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,        );        tp.text = TextSpan(        text: title.toStringAsFixed(0),        style: TextStyle(          fontSize: 35.0,          color: Theme.of(context).accentColor,          letterSpacing: 1.0,          fontFamily: 'Roboto Bold',         ),        );            PictureRecorder recorder = new PictureRecorder();        Canvas c = new Canvas(recorder);            tp.layout();        tp.paint(c, new Offset(20.0, 10.0));            /* Do your painting of the custom icon here, including drawing text, shapes, etc. */            Picture p = recorder.endRecording();        ByteData pngBytes =            await (await p.toImage(tp.width.toInt() + 40, tp.height.toInt() + 20))                .toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.png);            Uint8List data = Uint8List.view(pngBytes.buffer);            return BitmapDescriptor.fromBytes(data);      }

how to use:

BitmapDescriptor bitmapDescriptor = await createCustomMarkerBitmap(...);Marker marker = Marker(  /*  in addition to your other properties: */  icon: bitmapDescriptor);