How to customize tabbar width in flutter? How to customize tabbar width in flutter? flutter flutter

How to customize tabbar width in flutter?

TabBar(isScrollable: true)

Makes a scrollable tab bar. it's useful when your tab text content or number of your tabs doesn't fit into display size.

or maybe you can do something like this:

child: new TabBar(            tabs: [              new Container(                width: 30.0,                child: new Tab(text: 'hello'),              ),              new Container(                  child: new Tab(text: 'world'),              ),            ],          )

here's how I solved this problem:

    bottom: TabBar(      isScrollable: true,      controller: _tabController,      indicatorColor: Colors.white,      labelPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10.0),      tabs: <Widget>[        Tab(          icon: Icon(Icons.camera_alt),        ),        Tab(          text: "CONVERSAS",        ),        Tab(          text: "STATUS",        ),        Tab(          text: "CHAMADAS",        )      ],    )

Just use padding, I think it'll work for every screen size!... and don't forget:

   isScrollable: true

  double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;    double yourWidth = width  / 5;bottom: TabBar(            indicatorColor: Colors.white,            indicatorSize: TabBarIndicatorSize.label,            isScrollable: true,            controller: _tabcontroller,            tabs: <Widget>[              Container(                width: 30,                height: 50,                alignment:,                child: Icon(                  Icons.camera_alt,                ),              ),              Container(                width: yourWidth,                  height: 50,                  alignment:,                  child: Text("CHATS")),              Container(                  width: yourWidth,                  height: 50,                  alignment:,                  child: Text("STATUS")),              Container(                  width: yourWidth,                  height: 50,                  alignment:,                  child: Text("CALL"))            ],          ),`---------------`