how to open particular screen on clicking on push notification for flutter how to open particular screen on clicking on push notification for flutter flutter flutter

how to open particular screen on clicking on push notification for flutter

A few things here:

1- click_action has to be set to "FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK"

2- click_action has to be set in the data section of a payload

DATA='{  "notification": {    "body": "this is a body",    "title": "this is a title",  },  "data": {    "click_action": "FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK",    "sound": "default",     "status": "done",    "screen": "screenA",  },  "to": "<FCM TOKEN>"}'

This should allow you to receive the message in the onMessage handler in your flutter app.

From there you can call Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(message['screen']).

If you don't have a BuildContext at that point, you can register a GlobalKey as the navigatorKey property of your MaterialApp, and use it to access your Navigator globally, via GlobalKey.currentState

As @xqwzts method works well for receiving messages on App is an open state,

the following example will navigate to a specific page,


//eg: if you give /Nexpage3  in the status field then it will navigate to Nextpage3 of your App

enter image description here


1st Message Title Section in your firebase cloud messaging page is called Notification Data[when the App is minimized or closed it will be shown as a notification]

2nd Message Title section which is in the bottom of the webpage is called Message Data, [it will be shown In inside app as a notification or an Alert dialogue that's up to your wish]

STEPSCreate a dummy Project then use firebase message plugin, and in that Box give BMW Cars as atopic and click subscribe

Now go to your console then send a message with the FOLLOWING FORMAT it must contain Id and Status keys because we are parsing the Id and Status Keys in order to show NextPage with the Status Key's Value but if u prefer a field like title or body then u can do that too but make sure to parse the map value in ur flutter code.

//THIS IS A LITTLE BIT MODIFIED VERSION OF Example Code given in Firebase //Messaging Plugin//WHEN U PASTE THE CODE IN UR VS CODE OR ANDROID STUDIO PLEASE Format the //Document because it is aligned in single linesimport 'dart:async';import 'package:firebase_messaging/firebase_messaging.dart';import 'package:flutter/material.dart';void main() {  runApp(    new MaterialApp(      home: new PushMessagingExample(),      routes: <String,WidgetBuilder>{        "/Nexpage1":(BuildContext context)=> new Nexpage1(),        "/Nexpage2":(BuildContext context)=> new Nexpage2(),        "/Nexpage3":(BuildContext context)=> new Nexpage3(),        } ),);}//INITIAL PARAMETERSString _homeScreenText = "Waiting for token...";bool _topicButtonsDisabled = false;final FirebaseMessaging _firebaseMessaging = new FirebaseMessaging();final TextEditingController _topicController = new TextEditingController(text: 'topic');final Map<String, Item> _items = <String, Item>{};Item _itemForMessage(Map<String, dynamic> message) {  final String itemId = message['id'];  final Item item = _items.putIfAbsent(itemId, () => new Item(itemId: itemId))..status = message['status'];      return item;}//MAIN CLASS WHICH IS THE HOMEPAGEclass PushMessagingExample extends StatefulWidget {  @override  _PushMessagingExampleState createState() => new _PushMessagingExampleState();}class _PushMessagingExampleState extends State<PushMessagingExample> {void _navigateToItemDetail(Map<String, dynamic> message) {final String pagechooser= message['status'];Navigator.pushNamed(context, pagechooser);}//CLEAR TOPICvoid _clearTopicText() {setState(() {_topicController.text = "";_topicButtonsDisabled = true;});}//DIALOGUEvoid _showItemDialog(Map<String, dynamic> message) {showDialog<bool>(context: context,builder: (_) => _buildDialog(context, _itemForMessage(message)),).then((bool shouldNavigate) {if (shouldNavigate == true) {_navigateToItemDetail(message);}});}//WIDGET WHICH IS GOING TO BE CALLED IN THE ABOVE DIALOGUEWidget _buildDialog(BuildContext context, Item item) {return new AlertDialog(content: new Text("Item ${item.itemId} has been updated"),actions: <Widget>[new FlatButton(child: const Text('CLOSE'),onPressed: () {Navigator.pop(context, false);},),new FlatButton(child: const Text('SHOW'),onPressed: () {Navigator.pop(context, true);},),]);}@overridevoid initState() {super.initState();_firebaseMessaging.configure(onLaunch: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async { _navigateToItemDetail(message);},onResume: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async { _navigateToItemDetail(message);},onMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {_showItemDialog(message);},);//GETTING TOKEN FOR TESTING MANUALY_firebaseMessaging.getToken().then((String token) {assert(token != null);setState(() {_homeScreenText = "Push Messaging token: $token";});print(_homeScreenText);});}  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new Scaffold(        appBar: new AppBar(  title: const Text('Push Messaging Demo'),),        body: new Material(          child: new Column(            children: <Widget>[              new Center(                child: new Text(_homeScreenText),              ),              new Row(children: <Widget>[                new Expanded(                  child: new TextField(                      controller: _topicController,                      onChanged: (String v) {                        setState(() {                          _topicButtonsDisabled = v.isEmpty;                        });                      }),                ),                new FlatButton(                  child: const Text("subscribe"),                  onPressed: _topicButtonsDisabled                      ? null                      : () {                          _firebaseMessaging                              .subscribeToTopic(_topicController.text);                          _clearTopicText();                        },                ),new FlatButton(child: const Text("unsubscribe"),onPressed: _topicButtonsDisabled? null: () { _firebaseMessaging.unsubscribeFromTopic(_topicController.text); _clearTopicText();},),])],),));}}//THREE DUMMY CLASSES FOR TESTING PURPOSE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PAGE1class Nexpage1 extends StatefulWidget {  @override  _Nexpage1State createState() => _Nexpage1State();}class _Nexpage1State extends State<Nexpage1> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold(body: new Center(child: new Text(" Page1"),));}}//PAGE2class Nexpage2 extends StatefulWidget {  @override  _Nexpage2State createState() => _Nexpage2State();}class _Nexpage2State extends State<Nexpage2> {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return Scaffold(      body: Center(child: new Text("2pending"),)      );  }}//PAGE3class Nexpage3 extends StatefulWidget {  @override  _Nexpage3State createState() => _Nexpage3State();}class _Nexpage3State extends State<Nexpage3> {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return Scaffold(      body: Center(child: new Text("3connected"),)      );  }}//THIS IS THE CLASS WHICH IS USED TO PARSE THE INFORMATIONclass Item {  Item({this.itemId});  final String itemId;  StreamController<Item> _controller = new StreamController<Item>.broadcast();  Stream<Item> get onChanged =>;  String _status;  String get status => _status;  set status(String value) {    _status = value;    _controller.add(this);}  static final Map<String, Route<Null>> routes = <String, Route<Null>>{};  Route<Null> get route {    final String routeName = '/detail/$itemId';    return routes.putIfAbsent(      routeName,      () => new MaterialPageRoute<Null>(            settings: new RouteSettings(name: routeName),            builder: (BuildContext context) => new Nexpage3(),          ),    );  }}

To provide the payload use:

1- click_action has to be set to "FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK" - In android manifest file, we have defined the intent for it.

2- click_action has to be set in the data section of a payload

Define a global variable for NavigatorState:

import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';/// Global variables/// * [GlobalKey<NavigatorState>]class GlobalVariable {    /// This global key is used in material app for navigation through firebase notifications.  /// [navState] usage can be found in [notification_notifier.dart] file.  static final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navState = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();}

Go to your MaterialApp and add

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return ScrollConfiguration(      behavior: BounceScrollBehavior(),      child: MaterialApp(        navigatorKey: GlobalVariable.navState,        debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,        theme: themeData,        home: App(),      ),    );  }}

When you press on the notification in app bar, it calls onResume. You can navigate to the desired page as follows.

void listenToNotification() {    fcm.configure(      onMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {        print("onMessage: $message");        getPreviousNotifications();      },      onLaunch: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {        print("onLaunch: $message");      },      onResume: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {        print("onResume: ${message["data"]}");        SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {          Navigator.of(GlobalVariable.navState.currentContext)              .push(MaterialPageRoute(                  builder: (context) => TimelineView(                        campaignId: message["data"]["campaign"],                      )));        });      },    );  }