How to render image using HTML, CSS using flutter to create iOS-App? How to render image using HTML, CSS using flutter to create iOS-App? flutter flutter

How to render image using HTML, CSS using flutter to create iOS-App?

The current implementation, the FLTWebViewController and FLTWebViewFactory class in webview plugin don’t have access to registrar, so I changed their initWithMessenger method to initWithRegistrar. Now we have the answer to loading asset file in iOS webview:

NSString* key = [_registrar lookupKeyForAsset:url];NSURL* nsUrl = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:key withExtension:nil];[_webView loadFileURL:nsUrl allowingReadAccessToURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"file:///"]];

as pull request:

Example :

<html> <head> </head> <body>    <img src="image_name.jpg"> </body></html>

Then create a assets folder in the root of the Flutter project :

assets:  - assets/image_name.jpg  - assets/htmlfile.html

Create the WebViewThe dart code below creates the WebView and renders the local assets/htmlfile.html file.

  return WebView(          initialUrl: 'assets/htmlfile.html',          javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,          onWebViewCreated: (WebViewController webViewController) {            _controller.complete(webViewController);          },        );

Loading Local Assets in WebView in Flutter