How to set margin for a Button in Flutter How to set margin for a Button in Flutter flutter flutter

How to set margin for a Button in Flutter

Put your button inside a Container and then set the margin

new Container(    margin: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 10.0),    child : new RaisedButton(                onPressed: _submit,                child: new Text('Login'),              ),

Alternatively you can wrap your button with Padding. (That is what Container does internally.)

Padding(  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20),  child: ElevatedButton(    onPressed: _submit,    child: Text('Login'),  ),);

See this answer more more on adding margin to a widget.

Note: RaisedButton is deprecated as of Flutter 2.0. ElevatedButton is the replacement.

In Flutter 2.0, RaisedButton was deprecated, The ElevatedButton is replacement.
So you can use ElevatedButton and set style as bellow to remove margin:

      ElevatedButton.icon(        onPressed: () {},        icon: Icon(Icons.add),        label: Text(          'Add Place',        ),        style: ButtonStyle(tapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap),      ),