How to start Dart project in Android Studio? How to start Dart project in Android Studio? flutter flutter

How to start Dart project in Android Studio?

Consider installing IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, which should feel familiar if you use Android Studio. Install the Dart language plugin and you'll get the File / New Project options for Dart programs. (This just provides a wizard front-end to stagehand, as described by creative creator.) Note that you must download and install the Dart SDK also. (Do not try to use the Dart SDK provided by Flutter for plain Dart projects.)

This option does not exist.

What you want to use is stagehand.

It is a pub plugin that is installed by using pub in your command line. You probably want to add it to your path.

When that is done, stagehand is installed like this:

pub global activate stagehand

When you navigated to a directory you will be able to create a Dart project from a template:

stagehand console-full

The command will create a Dart project ready for simple console applications in the current directory.

Dart itself is a language which is meant to be used for web development, Flutter uses Dart to make apps for Android and iOS, and Android Studio is a mobile development IDE, if you want to use Dart for the web, you should use IntelliJ IDEA (Android Studio is based on it, they are very similar) and the Dart plugin.