How to test code that uses in Flutter? How to test code that uses in Flutter? flutter flutter

How to test code that uses in Flutter?

If you use the clock package for code depending on you can easily mock it.

I don't think there is a good way without a wrapper around licke the clock package provides.

As mentioned here: implement extension on DateTime.

extension CustomizableDateTime on DateTime {  static DateTime _customTime;  static DateTime get current {    return _customTime ??;  }  static set customTime(DateTime customTime) {    _customTime = customTime;  }}

Then just use CustomizableDateTime.current in the production code. You can modify the returned value in tests like that: CustomizableDateTime.customTime = DateTime.parse("1969-07-20 20:18:04");. There is no need to use third party libraries.

As Günther said, the clock package, maintained by the Dart team, provides a very neat way to achieve this.

Normal usage:

import 'package:clock/clock.dart';void main() {  // prints current date and time  print(;}

Overriding the current time:

import 'package:clock/clock.dart';void main() {  withClock(    Clock.fixed(DateTime(2000)),    () {      // always prints 2000-01-01 00:00:00.      print(;    },  );}

I wrote about this in more detail on my blog.

For widget tests, you need to wrap pumpWidget, pump and expect in the withClock callback.