Is it possible to get a GUI for an SQLite database created in flutter for android simulator? Is it possible to get a GUI for an SQLite database created in flutter for android simulator? flutter flutter

Is it possible to get a GUI for an SQLite database created in flutter for android simulator?

For Android, the easiest way I have found is to just have Android Studio installed on my machine as well. In Android Studio you can view the database on the device via Device File Explorer

View > Tool Windows > Device File Explorer.

In the new tab make sure your device is selectede.g

MyAndroidDevice > data > data >com.myflutterapp

Here you will find your Flutter application files, the main database will be located inside the 'app_flutter folder'.

Once you've located the database file, right click and save as. You can then open this db file with BrowserDB or sqlitebrowser.

There might be a similar way to do it with Xcode as well, but I'm not so familiar with that particular IDE.

There is one beautiful package for db viewer if you are using moor_db

Very easy to integrate and very easy to view the tables

In addition to F-1 answer if you need a more sophisticated tool for manage your database there is the SQLite Studio. You could do the follow steps to achieve this:

  1. To get database (with adb):

    adb -s emulator-5554 pull/data/data/com.your.package.yourappname/databases/you_database_name.db .

  2. If you need change it and update (It will override android db)

    adb -s emulator-5554 push ~/Desktop/you_database_name.db /data/data/com.your.package.yourappname/databases/

  3. Here is the link to SQLite Studio (works in macOS, linux and windows)