Is there a map of Material design colors for Flutter? Is there a map of Material design colors for Flutter? flutter flutter

Is there a map of Material design colors for Flutter?

If you take a look the Dart documentation about Flutter here

you will notice how some of the MaterialColor objects are created.

Obviously Flutter has really good conception about the MaterialDesign and most of the colours described here are already predefined inside the main flutter package "package:flutter/material.dart". All this is going to be available to be used out of the box, but

If somebody still wants to create his own MaterialColor with specific shades you can do something like this:

MaterialColor myGreen = const MaterialColor(0xFFAAD400,  const {    50 : const Color(hex_value1),    100 : const Color(hex_value2),    200 : const Color(hex_value3),    300 : const Color(hex_value4),    400 : const Color(hex_value5),    500 : const Color(hex_value6),    600 : const Color(hex_value7),    700 : const Color(hex_value8),    800 : const Color(hex_value9),    900 : const Color(hex_value10)});

The first parameter in MaterialColor object constructor is the default HEX value of your colour, in this case 0xFFAAD400. The second parameter is a Map with all swatches of your colour. All values about "hex_value1" .... "hex_value10" need to be different colours. To get some idea how to select (create) these swatches, for example take a look here

For those who don't know how to read the colours HEX values, here I will post some additional information:

For example, to get a fully opaque orange (0xFFFF9000), you could use const Color(0xFFFF9000), where:

  • first two characters (FF) are about the alpha (transparency),

  • second two characters (FF) are for the red,

  • third two characters (90) are for the green,

  • and last two (00) for the blue.

Thanks, Hope it will help to somebody

Sorry, I know this already has a lot of good answers but here's the naive implementation I've been using to turn any color into a material color in case anyone finds it useful:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';Map<int, Color> getSwatch(Color color) {  final hslColor = HSLColor.fromColor(color);  final lightness = hslColor.lightness;  /// if [500] is the default color, there are at LEAST five  /// steps below [500]. (i.e. 400, 300, 200, 100, 50.) A  /// divisor of 5 would mean [50] is a lightness of 1.0 or  /// a color of #ffffff. A value of six would be near white  /// but not quite.  final lowDivisor = 6;  /// if [500] is the default color, there are at LEAST four  /// steps above [500]. A divisor of 4 would mean [900] is  /// a lightness of 0.0 or color of #000000  final highDivisor = 5;  final lowStep = (1.0 - lightness) / lowDivisor;  final highStep = lightness / highDivisor;  return {    50: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + (lowStep * 5))).toColor(),    100: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + (lowStep * 4))).toColor(),    200: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + (lowStep * 3))).toColor(),    300: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + (lowStep * 2))).toColor(),    400: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + lowStep)).toColor(),    500: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness)).toColor(),    600: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness - highStep)).toColor(),    700: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness - (highStep * 2))).toColor(),    800: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness - (highStep * 3))).toColor(),    900: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness - (highStep * 4))).toColor(),  };}

The function just adds a relative amount of lightness both above and below your target color. Getting the final material color would be:

final materialColor = MaterialColor(color.value, getSwatch(color));

MaterialColor extends ColorSwatch which is kind of like a Map of colors. You can use ColorSwatch anywhere you could use a Color and get the 500 shade, but you can also index into it with [].

To get a List of all the primary material color swatches, use Colors.primaries.