local flutter asset image not showing in html widget local flutter asset image not showing in html widget flutter flutter

local flutter asset image not showing in html widget

I did it! I have found a solution and it wasn't obvious and not documented anywhere!

after searching for days the right way to use assets with the img tag I have decided to take a look at the source code of flutter_html in github and I have found these two lines:

else if (node.attributes['src'].startsWith('asset:')) {                  final assetPath = node.attributes['src'].replaceFirst('asset:', '');

so I tried the img tag like this:

<img src="asset:assets/images/logo_tst.png" alt="web-img2">

By the way my image file is declared in pubspec.yaml as


And It worked !!!

As I said there is no documentation about this and I hope that someone will add it


"file:///android_asset/flutter_assets/" + url

in other words:


Seems like the webview_flutter cannot read local CSS or local images(jpg/png file) by now. I have to change it to inline CSS and based64 images and it works perfectly.

Inline CSS:

<head><style>body {  background-color: linen;}h1 {  color: maroon;  margin-left: 40px;}</style></head>

Inline base64 images:

<img src="...">

To convert an image to base64 image in Mac, you can run the following command in Terminal.

openssl enc -base64 -in image.png -out image.b64