New Gradle Sync is not supported due to containing Kotlin modules using an unsupported plugin version New Gradle Sync is not supported due to containing Kotlin modules using an unsupported plugin version flutter flutter

New Gradle Sync is not supported due to containing Kotlin modules using an unsupported plugin version

Faced this same error. I had to update my JVM Version in Kotlin Compiler settings.

You can find that setting here:File -> Settings -> Kotlin Compiler -> Target JVM Version

Changing to 1.8 fixed the issue.

Update Kotlin Plugin

I could be that your IDE has an older level of the Kotlin plugin.

Within Android Studio, got to File > Settings... > Kotlin and check to make sure your plugin is up to date. You may see something like this, indicating you need to update:

Settings dialog indicating new version of Kotlin is available

Also, if you run into memory issues, you may need to add org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m to the file.