Null check operator used on a null value Null check operator used on a null value flutter flutter

Null check operator used on a null value

Don't downgrade Flutter


This error occurs when you use a bang operator (!) on a nullable instance which wasn't initialized.

For example:

String? foo; // Nullable Stringvoid main() {  var len = foo!.length; // Runtime error: Null check operator used on a null value}


You need to find out where you're using the bang operator in your code. Once you are there, you can use any of the following solutions:

  • Use a local variable

    var f = foo;if (f != null) {  var len = f.length; // Safe }
  • Use ?. and ??

    var len = foo?.length ?? 0; // Provide a default value if foo was null.

To answer your question:

You're using


which doesn't have 50th shade. If you look into the source code, you'd find:

Color get shade50 => this[50]!; // <-- This bang operator is causing the error.

To solve this error, you should use some other color which is not null, maybe the 100th shade.


For those who are using FutureBuilder/StreamBuilder:

You can solve the error in two ways:

  • Specify a type to your FutureBuilder/StreamBuilder

    FutureBuilder<List<int>>( // <-- type 'List<int>' is specified.  future: _listOfInt(),  builder: (_, snapshot) {    if (snapshot.hasData) {      List<int> myList =!; // <-- Your data    }    return Container();  },)
  • Use as to downcast Object to your type, say a List or Map.

    FutureBuilder(  future: _listOfInt(),  builder: (_, snapshot) {    if (snapshot.hasData) {      var myList =! as List<int>; // <-- Your data using 'as'    }    return Container();  },)

Prefer CopsOnRoad answer and only downgrade if that didn't work.

Steps that we need to solve the above problem as follow

 - flutter channel stable  - flutter upgrade - flutter pub cache repair //To perform a clean reinstall of the packages in your system cache, use pub cache repair - flutter clean //flutter clean will delete the /build folder

When I tried flutter channel stable . I got another error since I had two flutters one is from snapd and another one is from git clone method.

then, I configured the SDK with the git clone. Finally, I used Git cloned SDK flutter to do all commands as follow

flutter channel stable  - ~/flutter/bin/flutter upgrade - ~/flutter/bin/flutter pub cache repair //To perform a clean reinstall of the packages in your system cache, use pub cache repair - ~/flutter/bin/flutter clean //flutter clean will delete the /build folder

Any one who are using get_it package and having similar issue, here is the most simple solution.just add WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); at the top of main function.

Change your main function like this :

Future<void> main() async {WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();await di.init()runApp(MyApp());}