when using SingleChildScrollView can't drag down botttom sheet when using SingleChildScrollView can't drag down botttom sheet flutter flutter

when using SingleChildScrollView can't drag down botttom sheet

brother create your model bottom sheet in seprate widget its will open when you click and sceond wrap singlechild scroll view with bottom model sheet.

showModalBottomSheet(        enableDrag: true,        isDismissible: false,        isScrollControlled: true,)

and complete example of bottom sheet

Widget updatebottomSheet()  {    Size size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;    showModalBottomSheet(        enableDrag: false,        isDismissible: false,        isScrollControlled: true,        context: context,        builder:(context)        {          return GestureDetector(            behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,            child: SingleChildScrollView(              child: Container(                padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom+10),                // height: size.height*0.6,                decoration: BoxDecoration(                  color: Colors.white,                ),                child: Column(                  children: [                    Padding(                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(25.0),                      child: Container(                        decoration: BoxDecoration(                          //color: Colors.red,                          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20),                        ),                        height: size.height*0.5,                        width: double.infinity,                        child: Card(                          elevation: 4,                          child: Padding(                            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0),                            child: Form(                              key: _formKey,                              child: Column(                                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,                                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,                                children: [                                  NameField(                                    name:sectionname,                                    controller: null,                                    icon: Icons.person,                                    hintText: "Please enter section name",                                    text: "you not enter Smaster",                                    onchanged: (value)                                    {                                      setState(() {                                        Administrative.instance.SectionName=value;                                      });                                    },                                  ),                                  NameField(                                    controller:null,                                    name:smaster,                                    icon: Icons.vpn_key_outlined,                                    hintText: "Please enter Section Smaster",                                    text: "your enter empty Smaster",                                    onchanged: (value)                                    {                                      setState(() {                                        Administrative.instance.Smaster=value;                                      });                                    },                                  ),                                ],                              ),                            ),                          ),                        ),                      ),                    ),                    Padding(                      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 20.0,right: 20.0,top: 8.0,bottom: 8.0),                      child: Container(                        width: double.infinity,                        height: 60,                        child: FlatButton(                          color: Colors.black,                          onPressed: (){                            if(!_formKey.currentState.validate()){                              return;                            }                            else                            {                              _formKey.currentState.save();                              // signupauth.instance.addstudent();                              if(Administrative.instance.SectionName==null)                              {                                Administrative.instance.SectionName=sectionname;                              }                              else if(Administrative.instance.Smaster==null)                              {                                Administrative.instance.Smaster=smaster;                              }                              print("hello"+ids);                              FirebaseFirestore.instance                                  .collection("Section")                                  .doc(ids).update({                                "SectionName":Administrative.instance.SectionName,                                "Smaster":Administrative.instance.Smaster,                              });                              Fluttertoast.showToast(                                  msg: "Section is added",                                  toastLength: Toast.LENGTH_LONG,                                  gravity: ToastGravity.CENTER,                                  timeInSecForIosWeb: 1,                                  backgroundColor: Colors.grey,                                  textColor: Colors.white,                                  fontSize: 16.0                              );                              Navigator.pop(context);                            }                          },                          shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(                            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),                          ),                          child: Text("Save",style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white,fontSize: 18,fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),),                        ),                      ),                    ),                    Padding(                      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 20.0,right: 20.0,top: 8.0,bottom: 8.0),                      child: Container(                        width: double.infinity,                        height: 60,                        child: FlatButton(                          color: Colors.black,                          onPressed: (){                            Navigator.pop(context);                          },                          shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(                            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),                          ),                          child: Text("Cancel",style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white,fontSize: 18,fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),),                        ),                      ),                    ),                  ],                ),              ),            ),          );        }    );  }