Add svn repo to existing git repo? Add svn repo to existing git repo? git git

Add svn repo to existing git repo?

After searching last night, I have finally found the answer:

It seems that you have to actually go in and manually edit the .git/config file in order to add an svn branch to an existing git repo. So according to these instructions I would have to add an entry for each branch.

The answers for this question ( and no longer work as of Git v1.8.3.2 ( You can do this instead:

1) Define the new branch in .git/config :

[svn-remote "release-branch"]   url = svn+ssh://   fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn-release-branch

2) Import the SVN branch. SVN_BRANCHED_REVISION is the the revision when the branch happened in SVN.

$ git svn fetch release-branch -r SVN_BRANCHED_REVISION

3) Create branch and hook up a local Git branch to the remote branch:

$ git checkout -b release refs/remotes/git-svn-release-branch

5) Update

$ git svn rebase

You can find the SVN_BRANCHED_REVISION by doing:

$ svn log --stop-on-copy PATH_TO_BRANCH