Alias git stash poop to pop? Alias git stash poop to pop? git git

Alias git stash poop to pop?

git config --global alias.sp 'stash pop'

then git sp expands to git stash pop

Define a shell function:

git() {  if [ "$1" == "stash" -a "$2" == "poop" ]; then    shift; shift; command git stash pop "$@"  else    command git "$@"  fi}

For those that need the properly generated output...

if [ "$1" == "stash" -a "$2" == "poop" ]  then      command git stash pop      echo "   )  )  (   ) (   ) _   )    ( \_  _(_\ \)__ (____\___))"  else      command git "$@"  fi;}