Ansible SSH private key in source control? Ansible SSH private key in source control? git git

Ansible SSH private key in source control?

It's a bad idea to store any kind of plaintext secret in revision control, SSH private keys included. Instead, use ansible-vault to store the private key.

ansible-vault can operate on any file type. Just encrypt the file with

ansible-vault encrypt /path/to/local/private_key

then install the key:

- name: Install a private SSH key  vars:    source_key: /path/to/local/private_key    dest_key: /path/to/remote/private_key  tasks:  - name: Ensure .ssh directory exists.    file:       dest: "{{ dest_key | dirname }}"      mode: 0700       owner: user       state: directory  - name: Install ssh key    copy:       src: "{{ source_key }}"       dest: "{{ dest_key }}"      mode: 0600      owner: user

Earlier versions of ansible-vault would only operate on variables defined in var files, so you had to do something like this:

ssh_key: |  -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----  ...  -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----key_file: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa

Encrypt with ansible-vault:

ansible-vault encrypt /path/to/var_file

And install the key:

- name: Ensure .ssh directory exists.  file:     dest: "{{ key_file | dirname }}"    mode: 0700     owner: user     state: directory- name: Install ssh key  copy:     content: "{{ ssh_key }}"     dest: "{{ key_file }}"    mode: 0600    owner: user

Thanks to all those below who improved the answer with their comments.

Since you are provisioning from scratch, you should generate the private/public key pair on the playbook node and then distribute the public key via the authorized_keys module. This would eliminate the need to store a secret anywhere except on the host where it is needed. Here is a playbook to achieve this, which would be executed on the playbook node:

---- hosts:  sudo: yes  gather_facts: no  tasks:  - name: create ansible_ssh_user locally    user: name=ansible_ssh_user generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048 ssh_key_file=.ssh/id_rsa  - name: copy the generated public key to an accessible location for the next play    shell: cp ~ansible_ssh_user/.ssh/ /tmp/ hosts: all  sudo: yes  gather_facts: no  tasks:  - name: create ansible_ssh_user    user: name=ansible_ssh_user groups=group1,group2  - name: Add RSA public key to the remote host    authorized_key: user=ansible_ssh_user key="{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/') }}"- hosts:  sudo: yes  gather_facts: no  tasks:  - name: remove public key from /tmp    shell: rm /tmp/