Avoid recompilation with git and make Avoid recompilation with git and make git git

Avoid recompilation with git and make

Git changes only the files that are updated between branches. But if your compiler does a full rebuild even if any single file was changed you can always clone and checkout your different branches into different directories. That's like:


This takes extra disk space but is much more convenient than switching divergent branches in a huge repo.

Another partial answer: compiler cache.

When you switch back to the original branch and rebuild, although the dependencies say that numerous files dependent on Basic.h have to be rebuilt, the object files can be pulled from a compiler cache.

ccache ( http://ccache.samba.org/ ) still has to do some fairly expensive work (processing the pre-processed translation unit, since an entire translation unit is used a hash key) but it's a lot cheaper than compiling.

In some cases ccache can eliminate a compile in the face of a change that does not affect it, like some whitespace changes. For instance if you change a comment in a dependent file (header or source), that does not invalidate the cached object file.

So it can help even if you do a git pull and pick up a new change to Basic.h you haven't seen before.

If you know which files actually need compilation, and do those manually, GNU Make (at least, I don't know about other implementations) has a flag for you: -t, which basically runs over your Makefile and changes timestamps instead of running commands.

You'll still need to update the files that need updating before using this flag, or you'll end up with object files that are legitimately out-of-date but look updated. See the linked doc for details.

The -o option might also interest you, depending on how much changes when you switch branches.