Bower install using only https? Bower install using only https? git git

Bower install using only https?

You can make git replace the protocol for you. Just run:

git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

to use HTTPS protocol instead of Git.

Building on the answer from @Sindre, I wrote a little helper function in BASH which lives in my ~/.bashrc file. Call it just as you would grunt, except now it's called nngrunt. Enjoy!

function nngrunt{    # Add a section to the global gitconfig file ~/.gitconfig that tells git to    # go over http instead of the git protocol, otherwise bower has fits...    # See    git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://    # Run grunt w/ any supplied args    grunt "$@"    # Now cleanup the section we added to the git config file    # Of course we have our own extra cleanup to do via sed since the unset command    # leaves the section around    # See    git config --global --unset url."https://".insteadOf    sed -i 's/\[url "https:\/\/"\]//' ~/.gitconfig    sed -i '/^$/d' ~/.gitconfig}

Worked for megit config --global url."git://".insteadOf https://