Can I make a pull request on a gist on GitHub? Can I make a pull request on a gist on GitHub? git git

Can I make a pull request on a gist on GitHub?

You cannot currently open a pull request on a Gist.

You can comment though on the Gist and ask the author to update the Gist from your fork.

As @Kevin said, unfortunately GitHub doesn't expose a GUI for pull requests on gists. You can however fork the gist, make your changes in the fork, then share a link to your fork with the original author.

If the original author is keeping a local cloned repository of their gist (see How do you manage your gists on github?) then they can do a pull against your fork as a remote using the gist # (e.g. git://

I have sent a feature request email to and pointed to this question.

Ivan Žužak replied with the usual:

I've added that to our feature request list so that the team can consider it.

confirming it is not possible.

Let's keep upvoting this question until it happens.

I recommend instead creating one regular repo called gists and ordering your gists into regular folders.