Cannot remove remote origin Cannot remove remote origin git git

Cannot remove remote origin

You should be able to remove origin with

git remote rm origin

Not that you need to, you can just change the origin with set-url

git remote set-url origin "https://..." 

Open the .git directory and edit the config file where it says [remote "origin"]

I solved my problems this way. First I opened up the config file using vim with the following command

$ vim .git/config

I modified my file to this below:

[core]        repositoryformatversion = 0        filemode = true        bare = false        logallrefupdates = true        ignorecase = true        precomposeunicode = false[branch "master"][remote "origin"]        url = git@        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin_iOS/*

So now, when I give a command git push it understands, because by default it pushed to origin and it is set to my origin_iOS in my server.

You can check your origin config by remote -v command:

$ git remote -vorigin  git@ (fetch)origin  git@ (push)

If you don't have 'origin', you will have troubles with a usual 'git push' as I did. I had to type 'git push origin_iOS master', because I had in my config 'origin_iOS'