Can't find a decent git gui for windows. Anyone know of one? Can't find a decent git gui for windows. Anyone know of one? git git

Can't find a decent git gui for windows. Anyone know of one?

You can find all the exisiting Git FrontEnd GUI in this page.

MSysGit just released a "Cheetah" edition, which should be on par with a TorToiseSVN.
Waiting for Cheetah full integration, TortoiseGit is already available

TortoiseGit Context menu

The Eclipse Egit plugin also makes progress. (see its wiki)


For all those tools, I manage just fine with Git on Windows.

You can use gitextensions with Visual Studio. Otherwise I believe you're going to need to get acquianted with the command line.

You should also take a look at

  • QGit (there is also a windows downoad)
  • TortoiseGit (This is a port of TortoiseSvn